
Add task to library project android studio gradle
Add task to library project android studio gradle

add task to library project android studio gradle

Next, open your module-level adle file and add the following code to the.Id '.crets-gradle-plugin' version '2.0.1' apply false In Android Studio, open your project-level adle file and add the followingĬode to the dependencies element under buildscript.To install the plugin and store your API key: To streamline this task, we recommend that you use the For more information about the local.properties file, see Storing it in the local.properties file, which is located in the root directory of your You should not check your API key into your version control system, so we recommend This section describes how to store your API key so that it can be securely referenced by In your module-level adle file, set compileSdk.In your module-level adle file, add the.t(RepositoriesMode.FAIL_ON_PROJECT_REPOS) Under the dependencyResolutionManagement block: Must appear before any other statements in the script. In your top-level adle file, include the.The Maps SDK for Android library is available throughĪdd the SDK to your app, do the following: Android Studio Arctic Fox or later is required.To do so, you need to manuallyĬonfigure your project and then add the map. That uses a different Android Studio template. However, you can also add a map to an Android project

add task to library project android studio gradle

The Google Maps template automatically configures and adds a basic map to a newĪndroid Studio project. Maps SDK for Android without using the Google Maps template

add task to library project android studio gradle

This page describes how to configure an Android Studio project to use the Prepare for Google Play data disclosure requirements.

Add task to library project android studio gradle